Factorio Blueprints Version 1 (Old)

Overview (Read This First!)

Blueprint areas

I have updated blueprints!

I have new versions of these blueprints in active development, check them out over in the new Blueprints page! It is not yet as complete as this page but will hopefully be done soon!

Using these Blueprints

On this page you'll find many useful Factorio blueprints. I (Robbie) really love the game, and I have spent more hours than I wish to admit perfecting blueprints. Feel free to download and use these, modify as you see fit, etc. Also, if you have any suggestions for improvements, please don't hesitate to contact me!

All of my blueprints are designed to fit inside of the 50x50 area of a roboport (I call it a "block"). Almost all of the blueprints are also designed to leave a "road" inside of the block (the exception to this rule are the smelting blueprints, which play a little fast-and-loose with the rules). The road can be used for transport belts bringing products into and out of the block.

Most of the blueprints are not large enough to fill an entire roboport block. The smaller ones are designed to fit into one of three sizes, shown by the colored boxes.

The smallest blueprints are designed to fit within the red areas of the picture, which are 14x14 blocks. Larger blueprints are designed to fit within the yellow areas (30x14), and still larger ones are designed to fit into the blue area (30x30), making sure to leave room for the roboport. Finally, the largest blueprints take up an entire block.

Filter inserters are not really a part of any of the blueprints; I just use them to indicate which material needs to be inputted in which place.

Passive provider chests are used in all blueprints with chests, even if the blueprint is something you'd need to make early game (when you wouldn't have any passive provider chests). The reasoning for this is simple: if you are placing the blueprint manually, you can just put down a different box, but if robots are placing it down then you should already have a passive provider chest. Also, in just about every case, if you place down a different box early in the game, you'll want to eventually replace it with a passive provider chest.


City Block Blueprint Image

City Block

This block is useful for early planning. You can tile these blueprints next to each other early and then plan your factory around them. The power lines connect adjacent tiles (though you may want to remove them later if you are building blueprints in the block).

Country Block Blueprint Image

Country Block

This block isn't as useful for planning, since it doesn't have the roads, but it's an easy way to extend your robot network farther.

Downtown City Block Blueprint Image

Downtown City Block

Do you need concrete everywhere? No. But don't you want to show those biters who's boss? Let them know what you think of their silly 'nature'! Ha!

Main Bus Block Blueprint Image

Main Bus Block

You don't really need this one, but you might find it helpful for planning a main bus.


Stone Smelter Half Belt Blueprint Image

Stone Smelter Half Belt

This can produce a half-belt of smelted materials. It's not terribly useful beyond the early game, but it's an easy early setup when you need something quick.

Stone Smelter Full Belt Blueprint Image

Stone Smelter Full Belt

This will perfectly saturate a yellow belt with smelted materials.

Stone Smelter Block (Clockwise) Blueprint Image

Stone Smelter Block (Clockwise)

Four smelters in one block. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to fit the smelters in and preserve the road location, so the smelter blocks are a little different than the other blocks.

Stone Smelter Block (Counterclockwise) Blueprint Image

Stone Smelter Block (Counterclockwise)

Stone smelter block facing the other direction.

Steel Smelter Yellow Belt Blueprint Image

Steel Smelter Yellow Belt

This will perfectly saturate a yellow belt with smelted materials.

Steel Smelter Red Belt Blueprint Image

Steel Smelter Red Belt

This will perfectly saturate a red belt with smelted materials.

Steel Smelter Block (Clockwise) Blueprint Image

Steel Smelter Block (Clockwise)

Four red-belt generating smelters in one block.

Steel Smelter Block (Counterclockwise) Blueprint Image

Steel Smelter Block (Counterclockwise)

Four red-belt generating smelters in one block in the opposite direction.

Electric Smelter Yellow Belt Blueprint Image

Electric Smelter Yellow Belt

This will perfectly saturate a yellow belt with materials. Unfortunately, I couldn't make something that outputted a red belt (or perhaps a blue belt) and also fit well inside of the block. But it's easy to combine the output from two of these into a red belt.

Electric Smelter Block (Clockwise) Blueprint Image

Electric Smelter Block (Clockwise)

Four yellow-belt generating smelters in one block.

Electric Smelter Block (Counterclockwise) Blueprint Image

Electric Smelter Block (Counterclockwise)

Four yellow-belt generating smelters in one block, going in the opposite direction.

Miners Blueprint Image


Not super necessary, because placing these manually is easy, but if you like efficiency modules in your miners (since they are big-time power hogs), this is an easy way to get robots to do that for you.

Basic Oil Blueprint Image

Basic Oil

This might look a little wasteful in terms of space usage, but there's a reason for that. This blueprint is upgradeable to the advanced oil blueprint. Just slap that down on top of this to do the upgrade.

Advanced Oil Blueprint Image

Advanced Oil

This directly updates the basic oil blueprint. The heavy and light oil cracking is pretty close to perfect. Oil is only sent to cracking if it backs all the way up. So, heavy oil and light oil will flow out until it's no longer needed, and then any excess will be sent to cracking to produce more petroleum oil.

Solid Fuel Blueprint Image

Solid Fuel

This might seem like an odd number of chemical plants (21), but that's because it's designed to be able to completely absorb all of the light oil output from the Advanced Oil blueprint (including if heavy oil is cracked to light oil). So, you can create one of these for every one of the Advanced Oil blueprints you have and be sure that you are creating as much solid fuel as possible.

Rocket Fuel Blueprint Image

Rocket Fuel

Like the solid fuel blueprint, this one is designed to use 100% of the light oil from the advanced oil blueprint (assuming you are using assembling machine 3s), which is why it's a bit of an odd shape. It takes a while to reach equilibrium and get all of the assembling machines going.

Sulfuric Acid Blueprint Image

Sulfuric Acid

I've been avoiding intermediates in these blueprints. But, if you are mining uranium, you'll need sulfuric acid, and it's much easier to ship out sulfuric acid to the miners than it is to send everything you need for sulfuric acid (iron, petroleum, and water). For miners, this blueprint is overkill and will likely produce way more than you'll ever need, but hey ... go big or go home, eh?

Solar Panel Block Blueprint Image

Solar Panel Block

The ratio of accumulators to solar panels in this blueprint is as close as possible to the optimal 0.84 without wasting space.

Solar Panel Block for Trains Blueprint Image

Solar Panel Block for Trains

The block fits inside any of my train block blueprints. I find it's a good way to utilize the space.

Uranium Processing Blueprint Image

Uranium Processing

This simple blueprint will completely consume a yellow belt of uranium ore.

Nuclear Reactors Blueprint Image

Nuclear Reactors

A "basic" nuclear reactor setup. This doesn't quite fit into the whole roboport scheme (I kind of gave up on that, it's difficult enough to get nuclear reactors working well without that additional restriction), but it does have roboports built in so that you can still include it in your robot network. This works extremely well and will produce 480MW while using circuits to guarantee no wasted fuel cells. Just put one fuel cell into the top left reactor (or one into each) to get things started, and it will hum along forever from then on. I've tested it when overtaxed and when undertaxed, and it works pretty much perfectly in all circumstances. The only downside is that it takes eight full water pipes (from eight offshore pumps), when you technically only need five, but to be honest I had trouble finding a better way to get water to everywhere without using pumps (which stop working correctly when you run low on power--a pretty big problem for your power block!).

Kovarex Enrichment Blueprint Image

Kovarex Enrichment

This is a cool design that I stole from someone else online. Each centrifuge must be manually fed the initial 40 uranium-235, but after that they'll happily hum along, producing 1 uranium-235 every 65-ish seconds. So, the entire blueprint produces almost 1 uranium-235 every 5 seconds.


Basic Stuff 1 Blueprint Image

Basic Stuff 1

This will likely be the first blueprint you put down in a game (except maybe for smelters). It will produce all of the most basic stuff in a fairly compact, 14x14 area.

Basic Stuff 2 Blueprint Image

Basic Stuff 2

This will likely be made shortly after the Basic Stuff 1 blueprint. It contains a bunch more useful early-game products.

Greens and Gears Blueprint Image

Greens and Gears

An optional blueprint that will produce green circuits and iron gear wheels for personal use.

Fast Inserters and Turrets Blueprint Image

Fast Inserters and Turrets

Another simple early-game blueprint.

Assembly Machine 2s Blueprint Image

Assembly Machine 2s

You can have your assembly machine 2 in any color, so long as it's blue.

Steel Smelters and Power Poles Blueprint Image

Steel Smelters and Power Poles

Steel yourself with these steel products that are so cheap it's a steel. No? You steel don't like my jokes?

Red Belts Blueprint Image

Red Belts

I find that red belts tend to be a bit of a bottleneck at first, because when you first get them you are usually hurting for more iron, and it's difficult to get more iron without the red belts. So this blueprint is designed to produce them at a pretty decent speed.

Walls, Floors, and Pipes Blueprint Image

Walls, Floors, and Pipes

This will creates walls and floors, though admittedly not at the best pace. If you go heavy on floor usage, you may want a blueprint that cranks quite a bit faster than this (possibly I'll put one up sometime soon ... TBD). Pipes are just kinda thrown in here because, I dunno, they fit, and this is about the time you're going to start wanting them in larger quantities.

Refined Concrete++ Blueprint Image

Refined Concrete++

If you use a lot of concrete, you'll want something heftier than the "Walls, Floors, and Pipes" blueprint. One (or more?) of these should do the trick.

Ammunition! (and Engines, I Guess) Blueprint Image

Ammunition! (and Engines, I Guess)

Upgraded bullets for killing bugs, grenades for killing trees, and shotgun ammo for ... looking pretty? Man, I don't know. I never use the shotgun. Engines are also included, because I don't know where else to put them and you'll want at least a few produced in case you need to manually produce a car.

Train Production Blueprint Image

Train Production

This will produce all things train related. It's not super fast but it will probably do what you need.

Oil-Related Stuff Blueprint Image

Oil-Related Stuff

This contains all of the stuff you need to do oil products. It doesn't produce pumps, but that's because those are done by the train blueprint (which I often find I need before oil).

Cliff Explosives Blueprint Image

Cliff Explosives

I love the point in the game when you get cliff explosives. Those darn cliffs are always in the way of my lovely blueprints. They should die. They should all die.

Personal Reds Blueprint Image

Personal Reds

This will generate red circuits in case you need them for any manual building.

Stack Inserters Blueprint Image

Stack Inserters

All of this just to make stack inserters?! This is where I start to regret my whole "I don't need intermediates" thing. It really makes it difficult to make these blueprints. But I do it all for you, internet-friend-who-happens-to-be-looking-at-my-page-right-now!

Modules 1 Blueprint Image

Modules 1

The first level of efficiency, speed, and productivity modules. This can keep 1 assembly machine for each going full-speed.

Efficiency Modules 1 Blueprint Image

Efficiency Modules 1

This is just like the modules 1 blueprint, except it only makes efficiency modules. Efficiency modules 1 seem like a no brainer to me. Unlike level 2 and 3 modules, they are fairly cheap, and you can pop them into just about everything to reduce power usage and pollution. So, this blueprint can be used to make a bunch of them.

Personal Batteries Blueprint Image

Personal Batteries

Another "in case you need 'em" blueprint. You'll probably want a few for modular armor type things.

Electric Furnaces Blueprint Image

Electric Furnaces

I'm getting tired of writing these descriptions. Are you getting tired of reading them? I bet you're getting tired of reading them. Look, this thing creates electric furnaces. That's it, that's all. There's nothing else to talk about here. Why are you still reading? Just go make some electric furnaces already. Geez.

Solar Panels Blueprint Image

Solar Panels

This produces solar panels at a pretty good pace (since, you know, you need a lot of them). It's designed to work with the accumulator blueprint, and at full speed they create very nearly the ideal ratio of solar panels to accumulators.

Accumulators Blueprint Image


This is the companion to the solar panels blueprint.

Land Mines, Not Yours Blueprint Image

Land Mines, Not Yours

I've got one question for you, just one question: "Explosions?!?"

Fire EVERYTHING! Blueprint Image


Listen, sometimes you just gotta burn stuff, like trees, or alien bugs that are just trying to defend their environmental paradise of a homeland from a smaug-producing psychopath who's willing to wipe out their entire planet just to leave in a rocket, only to decide he doesn't want to leave afterall because he's having too much fun destroying their planet. I mean, what if the alien-equivalent of Captain Planet shows up? You gotta burn him, you know? You just gotta burn him.

Robots Blueprint Image


This is pretty monstrous, but it performs well. It will produce 1 logistics robot and 1 construction robot every 10 seconds, and drops them directly into a robotport. It also generates the other basic robot stuff you need. And, just for good measure, it dumps some electric engines in a box in case you need them for manually creating stuff.

Nuclear Items Blueprint Image

Nuclear Items

This produces everything you need to create an initial nuclear setup. It's not fast, because of the frickin' red circuits, but it will get the job done and you don't need many of these items anyway.

Personal Low Density Structures Blueprint Image

Personal Low Density Structures

Making a spidertron? This'll help.

Personal Blues Blueprint Image

Personal Blues

This is enough to keep one blue circuit assembly machine going full speed (once it gets going--the red circuits have to backup first). There are some items, like armor, that you'll probably want to make manually since you don't need many of them, but you can't do that without blue circuits.

Assembling Machine 3s Blueprint Image

Assembling Machine 3s

Produces an assembling machine 3 every 12 seconds or so.

Blue Belts Blueprint Image

Blue Belts

It really takes a ton of resources to get these producing at a reasonable speed. This will consume an entire red belt of iron, but still isn't super fast.

Robochests Blueprint Image


They'll be back. Whoops I mean black. Whoops I mean blue and purple and green.

Bust a Cap(sule) Blueprint Image

Bust a Cap(sule)

Poisoning their environment isn't enough. You need to poison the bugs directly! Mwa ha ha!

Cannon Shells Blueprint Image

Cannon Shells

Cannon shells for your lovely tank.

Military 4 Blueprint Image

Military 4

Piercing shotgun shells and cluster grenades.

Productivity Module 3s Blueprint Image

Productivity Module 3s

This eats up an entire red copper belt and still takes over a minute to produce even one module. They are so dang expensive.

Speed Module 3s Blueprint Image

Speed Module 3s

This eats up an entire red copper belt and still takes over a minute to produce even one module. They are so dang expensive.

Efficiency Module 3s Blueprint Image

Efficiency Module 3s

This eats up an entire red copper belt and still takes over a minute to produce even one module. They are so dang expensive.

Laser Turrets Blueprint Image

Laser Turrets

Pew pew.

Rockets Blueprint Image


Boom boom.

Explosive Rockets Blueprint Image

Explosive Rockets

Kersplode kersplode.

Defender Capsules Blueprint Image

Defender Capsules

Robots don't have souls, so remember that when you watch them plummet to the ground after their tiny little bit of life runs out.

Distractor Capsules Blueprint Image

Distractor Capsules

Okay ... you remember before, when I said robots don't have souls? Well that was technically a lie. Distractor robots do, in fact, have an experimental soul software installed. It doesn't serve any purpose, though. The goal was simply to make them really feel the pain and loss of death when they are terminated after such a short time. It's horrible, I know. But, whatcha gonna do, eh? Ha ha! Whatcha gonna do!

Destroyer Capsules Blueprint Image

Destroyer Capsules

Destroyer capsules do not _have_ souls--they _take_ souls!

My-I-Mean-Ur-anium Ammo Blueprint Image

My-I-Mean-Ur-anium Ammo

It's neat how inexpensive this stuff is, once you get uranium up and running.

Nuclear Fuel Blueprint Image

Nuclear Fuel

If you can supply the uranium 235, this'll do the rest!

Beacon of Hope Blueprint Image

Beacon of Hope

This'll produce 1 Beacon every 15 seconds.

Artillery Blueprint Image


Makes the biggest booms.

Atomic Bomb Blueprint Image

Atomic Bomb

The ultimate tree killer. Show nature who's boss!


Automation Science Blueprint Image

Automation Science

This will output 1 Science 1 per second, which is true of all my science blueprints. It is not exactly 1 per second, because the speed is relative to the crafting speed of the assembly machines, but as long as all science products use the same assembly machines they will produce at the same rate. This blueprint is pretty small and fits in a 14x14 area. The labs are included for convenience, but you'll want to remove them and replace them with something larger by the time you start science 2.

Logistic Science Blueprint Image

Logistic Science

This will generate 1 Science 2 per second, just like the Science 1. It requires a larger 30x14 area.

Military Science Blueprint Image

Military Science

Again, 1 science per second.

Chemical Science Blueprint Image

Chemical Science

Yet again, 1 science per second. This uses both the 30x30 area and the bottom 14x30 area, but leaves space for the road to go between them.

Productivity Science Blueprint Image

Productivity Science

Unfortunately, this one takes a bit of time to spin up, because the electric furnaces have to get backed up before the productivity modules go full speed. But once it gets going it will produce the 1 science per second, like the others.

Utility Science Blueprint Image

Utility Science

It's big and ugly, but it will church out at the same rate as the others.

Space Science Blueprint Image

Space Science

Who wants to simply launch a rocket, when you could instead get 1 space science per second (well, really 1.25 because it's using Assembling Machine 3s)? This blueprint has productivity modules in the silo, but will still get the 1 per second rate without them. In fact, I'm not even entirely sure what the output is when you have the productivity modules in ... probably still the same speed because accumulators are needed for the satellite and produce exactly fast enough. Truthfully, this isn't a great blueprint. It should really be using beacons or something. Maybe I'll post an updated one later.


Train Dropoff Depot Blueprint Image

Train Dropoff Depot

A big--and expandable--dropoff depot. This could be used at your main base to dropoff mining materials or whatever from elsewhere. All the train blueprints I have assume trains with one engine and two cars.

Train Depot Expansion Blueprint Image

Train Depot Expansion

Expands the train depot farther.

Depot Solid Unload Blueprint Image

Depot Solid Unload

This fits right over top of the depot blueprint in any of the lanes. It will unload two solid train cars.

Depot Liquid Unload Blueprint Image

Depot Liquid Unload

This fits right over top of the depot blueprint in any of the lanes and will unload two liquid train cars.

Rail Segment Blueprint Image

Rail Segment

A straight rail segment. Trains travel on the right side.

Rail Roundabout Blueprint Image

Rail Roundabout

Roundabout now is when I get tired of writing these descriptions.

Rail Turnaround Blueprint Image

Rail Turnaround

Is turnaround a word? I think it must be, now that it's on the internet.

Rail Turn Blueprint Image

Rail Turn

It turns! It might seem weird that this curves like it does, but that makes it easy to upgrade to a t section or roundabout if necessary.

Rail Segment with Turnaround Blueprint Image

Rail Segment with Turnaround

U-turns allowed.

Rail T Section Blueprint Image

Rail T Section

What's the difference between a well-dressed man on a tricycle and a poorly dressed man on a bicycle? Attire! That has nothing to do with this blueprint, but I mean come on, you can see what it does. Trains go on it. They go choo-choo.

Rail Roundabout w/ Solar Blueprint Image

Rail Roundabout w/ Solar

Here's an example of combining a rail blueprint with a solar panel blueprint. You can combine the solar panel blueprint with any of the above rails.

Train Stop Blueprint Image

Train Stop

A simple train stop for a two-car train.

Train Stop Solid Pickup Blueprint Image

Train Stop Solid Pickup

For loading solid material into a two-car train.

Train Stop Liquid Pickup Blueprint Image

Train Stop Liquid Pickup

For loading liquid material into a two-car train.


Eight Yellow Belt Splitter Blueprint Image

Eight Yellow Belt Splitter

Some said it couldn't be done. Others, the more sensible ones, said it could probably be done, but it really shouldn't. So, of course, I did it anyway. Here you go, internet--Enjoy!

Three Belts Blueprint Image

Three Belts

Physics? Never heard of it.

The Nothinginator Blueprint Image

The Nothinginator

Want to waste just plain stupid amounts of power while accomplishing absolutely nothing? Just plop a few of these down next to each other, fill the roboports with logistic robots and the boxes with copper plates, and watch the fun begin! This does actually have a practical use; I use it in sandbox mode to test output of a power setup, which is especially useful for nuclear reactors where it can be difficult to use up all that power easily.